
A fullstack engineer

Who's me??

A Full-stack engineer that loves to deploy efficient, scalable and robust code! Born into this exciting age of technological innovation, I am passionate about pushing boundaries and embracing challenges in this new techie world!


I have expertise in many areas of computer science, including Cloud, Unix Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures. I mainly work with Python and Typescript, but I really like to use the ideal tool for the given problem (Let's go AD HOC!).


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Random Quote Machine

A quote generator written in React

It generates a random quote from an API and allows the user to tweet the quote. It was built using React, TypeScript, Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

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Vollmed API

A RESTful API for a fictional medical clinic in Spring Boot

It was built mainly using spring boot, flyway, mySql, bean validation and lombok. It has a complete CRUD for patients and doctors.

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Tower of Hanoi

Tower of Hanoi game written in Clojure

It was built using ClojureScript, Reagent and Shadow-cljs. This indeed was a fun project to work on.

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Hoi4 mod

A mod for Hearts of Iron 4 who communicates with discord API

Built using Python and Pypresence, it allows the user to show the game status in Discord. It has features like installation, uninstallation, and auto update. One of my largest projects so far.


Feel free to reach out to me at one of these platforms!